Midweek News November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023 Announcements and Items of Interest
Sunday, November 12, 2023.
We Welcome Pastor Kathy back to the pulpit! Please come and join us in the fellowship hall for cookies and coffee following worship.
Our October & November Mission Project is collecting funds to prepare and deliver 20 Thanksgiving bags for those who are in financial need this Thanksgiving. There has been $1695.00 collected for this year’s bags. Cindy Lindecamp, Director of Volunteer Avery County, selects the individuals and families who will be the recipients. The bags include:
A $100 Ingles grocery card socks, a lap blanket, holiday decorations, toiletries, goodies, and an Advent devotional. If you would like to help, please make out your check to Crossnore Presbyterian Church and designate it for “Thanksgiving Bags.” Thank you for caring and sharing!
As part of our Thanksgiving bag mission project, several people in the congregation volunteer to deliver baskets. It has been a meaningful opportunity for service for those who volunteer. If you would like to help deliver, please call or text Carroll Berkley, mission chair, at (828) 263-3170.
Our Knitting & Crocheting Group has decided to continue to meet this winter on Wednesdays from 1:00 -3:00 p.m. They welcome anyone to come and join the fun, and conversation. Please come and work on your crafts, knitting, and crocheting, or just come for the fellowship. You can still knit and crochet hats and scarves for the homeless if you wish but they wanted to invite all crafters to come this winter. In the winter people need to get out and about. The group will restart knitting and crocheting hats and scarves for the homeless in the spring as more people come back.
Contact Janis Kenyon for more information: 828-898-3339, cell 828-387-0309, email:
The session will meet on Tuesday, November 14, at 4:00 p.m.
There will be a Worship Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 15 at 3:00 p.m.
Our Thanksgiving potluck luncheon is on November 19 following worship. Please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. Gayle Culbreath is buying 3 frozen turkeys, and they will be in the church freezer. If you can pick one up next Sunday along with a pan, then cook and slice it, and bring it back on the 19th by 10:30
a.m., contact Gayle Culbreath at 828-733-5407. Having it already sliced helps Gayle out tremendously. Also, if you can bring dressing, green beans, or mashed potatoes, please contact Gayle at 828-828-733-5407
Charlie Stuart — November 5
Eunice Heilig — November 9
Caroline Jones — November 10
Michael Richardson - November 10
Gabe Vuolo - November 11
Wayne Matlosz - November 14
Barbara Ross — November 17
Megan Tennant — November 19
Gayle Culbreath — November 20
Trish Winger — November 20
Alan Winger — November 29
Prayer Requests
Jayne Spangler
Hannah Acton
Megan Armstrong
Paul & Jane Lyon
Kurt Kuenzel
Owen Lind
Kay Hodges
John Neel
Debbie Pucket
Lu Ann Barrier
Pat Silver
Dan Leahy
Andy Cappola
Marie Cook
Tasha Reid
Do everything in love. ~ Corinthians 16:14:
November 8, 2023
Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers to help distribute food on Wednesdays. Please check out their volunteer page: https://feedingaveryfamilies.org/.
Volunteers are also needed at Reaching Avery Ministry (Ram’s Rack) next to the Dollar General in Newland. They need help from volunteers to pack food boxes and
assist in the thrift store. You can show up and they will put you to work! Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
November 8, 2023
Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers to help distribute food on Wednesdays. Please check out their volunteer page: https://feedingaveryfamilies.org/.
Volunteers are also needed at Reaching Avery Ministry (Ram’s Rack) next to the Dollar General in Newland. They need help from volunteers to pack food boxes and
assist in the thrift store. You can show up and they will put you to work! Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.