Midweek News October 11, 2023
October 11, 2023 Announcements and Items of Interest:
Sunday, October 15, worship will be at 11:00 a.m. Please bring a dish and join us in the fellowship hall following worship for a fried chicken pot-luck. Fried Chicken, tea, coffee, and water will be served. Please bring a side dish to share salad, vegetables, or dessert. If you can help set up, serve, or clean up, please contact Gayle Culbreath:
Our October & November Mission Project is collecting funds to prepare and deliver twenty Thanksgiving bags for those who are in financial need this Thanksgiving. Cindy Lindecamp, Director of Volunteer Avery County, selects the individuals and families who will be the recipients. The bags include a $100.00 Ingles grocery card, socks, a lap blanket, holiday decorations, toiletries, goodies, and an Advent devotional. If you would like to help, please make out your check to Crossnore Presbyterian Church and designate it for “Thanksgiving Bags.” Thank you for caring and sharing! If you would like to help deliver, please contact Carroll Berkley, mission chair, at:
Our church pantry is running low on caffeinated coffee and cookies. You can drop off your donations in the church kitchen
Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers to help distribute food on Wednesdays. Please check out their volunteer webpage:
Reaching Avery Ministry (Ram’s Rack) next to the Dollar General Store in Newland needs volunteers to help pack food boxes and assist in the thrift store. You can show up and they will put you to work! Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Sat: 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Do everything in love. ~ Corinthians 16:14:
Thanks to Barbara Stuart for hosting the CPC Women’s Gathering last Thursday, October 5, at her lovely home in Land Harbor. The weather was perfect to be out on the deck and everyone brought delicious food to share. What a fun afternoon of fellowship and the beginning of new friendships.
And this from the Rector/President of the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A):
"The bloodshed has come once again in the latest clash between Israelis and Palestinians with declarations of war. As hundreds lay dead and thousands injured, we grieve. We stand in shock that this long, battle-scarred conflict has taken yet another deadly turn. We pray for those who have died, are dying, and wounded. We ask the Holy Spirit to intervene to bring calm and reason when vengeance and hatred appear to take control.
We pray for our mission coworkers who must navigate this ever-changing landscape and for our partners who have placed their own safety online, seeking solutions to the ongoing crisis in the region, and at the hospitals that are overwhelmed with the dead and injured. We pray that leaders on both sides can step back and consider a peaceful and just solution that benefits all.
While these events continue to unfold, we come to you, O Lord, for your calm voice and guiding hand. Even in the midst of fire, destruction, and the cries of pain from both sides of this horrific scene, we know you are in the midst. May your Spirit dwell among them and guide them to a peaceful outcome for all."
October 11, 2023
Linda Hughes—October 1
Eric Sowder—October 1
Tommie Tennant—October 3
Rob Martin—October 4
Sue Ehmig—October 6
Sara Grant—October 9
Leslie Jordan—October 17
Nancy Coleman—October 27
JoAnn Harllee—October 27
Cheryl Hires—October 27
Terry Kidder—October 29
Prayer Requests
Jayne Spangler
Hannah Acton
Megan Armstrong
Paul & Jane Lyon
Kurt Kuenzel
Owen Lind
Kay Hodges
John Neel
Debbie Pucket
Lu Ann Barrier
Pat Silver
Dan Leahy
Andy Cappola
Marie Cook
Tasha Reid