Midweek News Sept 25, 2024
Sept 25, 2024
Announcements and Items of Interest
Sunday, September 29, 2024-Worship, 11:00 a.m. Please remember your donations for Daily Change and Food for People and Pets and join us for coffee and cookies, in the fellowship hall, following worship.
Our Soup and Chili Potluck following worship last Sunday was delicious. Thank you to Gayle Culbreath and Cheryl Lewis for all the work that went into organizing and setting up the luncheon. Another big thank you to the fellowship committee and all those who helped with the set-up and clean-up. We also thank all who brought the fabulous food to share. We had a great meal and wonderful fellowship.
The Church Choir meets at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday in the sanctuary for practice before worship. All are welcome to join!
The next Bible study will begin next Wednesday, October 2, 3-4:30 p.m., and continue on October 9, 16, 23, and 30. Pastor Kathy will dive deep into the Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel, looking at the history, culture, and politics of the times and how God continues to speak to us through this ancient gospel in our day and time. Please let Pastor Kathy know if you plan on attending even if you need to miss some of the sessions:
Our September Mission Project is growing the principal for the Crossnore Presbyterian Church Children’s Endowment Fund. An anonymous donor started the endowment with $150,000, which is being invested along with the donations that have already come in. We hope to provide an annual grant that will pay for an extra tutor for disadvantaged children at Crossnore Elementary School. Donations can be made to Crossnore Presbyterian Church and designated for CPC Children’s Fund. P.O. Box 386, Crossnore, NC 28616. The first grant will be awarded to the school this fall.
Devon Wilkinson gave a wonderful program in the fellowship hall last night on her experience teaching Muslim children in the West Bank and Jewish children in Israel. She had time to meet many local people and listen to the stories about their lives and the war raging around them. She left feeling that the people she met have more in common than they realize, that their families and communities are at the heart of their lives, and that all children need to be taught acceptance, not hate, for those who are different from them. Devon plans to go back and teach the children in Israel near Gaza over Christmas break. Thanks to everyone who attended last night’s program.
The Finance Committee wants us to know that we have met our church’s monthly budget for August. Thanks to our regular donors and to the special contributions we received for making this possible! Let’s continue to work towards meeting our September budget. Remember, it takes $18,000 per month to pay our salaries and bills.
The next Mission Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 8, 2 p.m., in the fellowship hall.
The next Session meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 8, 3 p.m., in the fellowship hall.
The CPC Women’s Gathering will meet at Barbara Stuart’s home in Land Harbor on Thursday, October 17, 4-6 p.m. Please bring your choice of beverage and something salty or sweet to share.
Feeding Avery Families is asking for volunteers on Wednesdays and Fridays- look at their Facebook page for details. Ram’s Rack needs volunteers Monday- Friday to help in the thrift store or pack groceries. Their phone number is 828-733-5095.
Prayer for Autumn Days by Joyce Rupp:
God of the seasons, there is a time for everything: there is a time for dying and a time for rising. We need courage to enter into the transformation process.
God of autumn, the trees are saying goodbye to their green, letting go of what has been. We, too, have our moments of surrender, with all their insecurity and risk. Help us to let go when we need to do so.
God of fallen leaves lying in colored patterns on the ground, our lives have their own patterns. As we see the patterns of our own growth, may we learn from them.
God of misty days and harvest moon nights, there is always the dimension of mystery and wonder in our lives. We always need to recognize your power-filled presence. May we gain strength from this.
God of harvest wagons and fields of ripened grain, many gifts of growth lie within the season of our surrender. We must wait for harvest in faith and hope. Grant us patience when we do not see the blessings.
God of geese going south for another season, your wisdom enables us to know what needs to be left behind and what needs to be carried into the future. We yearn for insight and vision.
God of flowers touched with frost and windows wearing white designs, may your love keep our hearts from growing cold in the empty seasons.
God of life, you believe in us, you enrich us, you entrust us with the freedom to choose life. For all this, we are grateful.