Midweek News Dec 11, 2024

Dec 11, 2024
Announcements and Items of Interest
Third Sunday of Advent, December 15, 2024, Worship at 11:00 a.m. Michael Willis, Irish Harpist, will be providing special music for our worship service. Our Christmas Potluck Luncheon will be held in the fellowship hall following worship. Ham, coffee, lemonade, and tea will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share.
We had a wonderful service last Sunday with Anne Trenning, renowned pianist and composer, and the Lees-McRae College Highlanders providing the music. What a joy to have such inspiring music!
We are continuing our tradition of decorating our sanctuary with potted poinsettias. The poinsettias are provided by individuals in honor or memory of loved ones, or to the glory of God. To reserve a plant, complete the attached form. Poinsettias are $10.00 a plant. Address and further information is on the form. Please order by December 18.
The Knitting Group is now the Craft Group and welcomes all who want to work on a craft or just share in fellowship to join in on Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m., in the fellowship hall. This group will resume meeting January 8.
A Big Thanks to all who decorated the sanctuary windows and delivered, set up, and decorated the beautiful Chrismon Tree: Jason DeWitt, George Riggsbee, Gene Hodges, Charlotte Davila and family, Jane Sowder, Maggie Lauterer, Marie Cook, Mary Louise Aldridge, Gaye Meade, Lynn O’Meara, Duane Kirkman, and John Kehoe.
Bible Study will begin on Wednesday, January 8 from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Thank you to Daniel Coffey for a great study on the Gospel of Mark.
The next Session Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 17, 3 p.m., in the fellowship hall.
Our November mission project was purchasing household goods for eleven low-income residents of the Linn Cove first floor apartments that were flooded. The mission committee has made these purchases while Reaching Avery Ministry, Volunteer Avery County, and Covenant Presbyterian Church are providing all the furniture and appliances. Volunteers will be needed when we get the move in date.
The CPC Hurricane Relief Fund is being used to assist our partner non-profits in Avery County when there are no government or private funds to cover expenses for those in desperate need. Since October 1, we have raised over $77,000. Thanks to all who have already contributed! Some of the connections we are making include providing another camper trailer for a woman whose home is unlivable until repairs are completed; this was made possible through our partnership with Avery County Habitat for Humanity. We have purchased a stack washer dryer for a tiny house that was flooded, and we also provided a 50-gallon water heater for a senior whose basement flooded. Bridges for Avery is building culverts for people in Avery County whose property is not covered by FEMA or other agencies. They have built 20 culverts so far and plan on building at least 12 more. Our church is providing 9 culverts with financial help from Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte. We paid for drywall and mud for a family rebuilding their flooded home. We are providing a new roof for a family with the help of three other non-profits. We can do so much more when we combine our resources together!
Our December mission project is our Christmas Eve Offering. Every dollar will go to provide electricity and heat for needy individuals and families in our county, through Volunteer Avery. Please make your check out to Crossnore Presbyterian Church and designate it for the Christmas Eve Offering. Our mailing address is: Crossnore Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 386, Crossnore, NC 28616.
Advent and Christmas Schedule:
- Sunday, December 15, 11 a.m., worship service in the sanctuary. Michael Willis, Irish Harpist, will be providing special music for our worship service. Our Christmas Potluck Luncheon will be held in the fellowship hall following worship. Ham, coffee, lemonade, and tea will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share.
- Sunday, December 22, 11 a.m., worship service in the sanctuary.
- Tuesday, December 24, 5:30 p.m., our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, in the sanctuary. Christmas Eve Worship will be filled with special music, Christmas carols, scripture readings, Christmas stories, and prayers as we worship Christ, the babe born in Bethlehem, the Lord of all, and the Ruler over heaven and earth. The Christmas Eve offering will go to provide electricity and heat for needy individuals and families in Avery County.
- Sunday, December 29, 11 a.m., worship service in the sanctuary.
Volunteer Opportunities at this time: Reaching Avery Ministry- next to Dollar General in Newland- Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.- 4p.m.- help with food boxes and clothing distribution; Feeding Avery Families- look at their Facebook for details.